Join a community of working women ready to put their health first in the Forum for Professional Women Group!


Health Coaching Options

I specialize in working with professional women who are struggling with work-life balance.  The weight gain, fatigue, aches and pains, foggy thinking are real!  These symptoms may be common, but they are NOT normal.  All the responsibilities that come with adulting can be overwhelming!  We know family is important and yet the satisfaction and meaning that comes from our career matters too.  Can we have it all?  

That’s where I come in!  Together we'll tap into the wisdom of the body; coming to a gentle understanding of integration by making Daily Deposits into your life accounts!

Which coaching program is the right fit for you?  Let's explore them together. 

The 90 Day REFRESH Program

A three month program that includes group coaching within a community of like-minded women is a perfect way to get support, encouragement and accountability. 

Online Workshops

Flexible with your busy schedule, online learning is convenient and  affordable.  Learn strategies on: healthy aging, women's hormone health, productivity, and detox

Individual Coaching

Let's make a game plan together, give you some accountability, and track your progress as you go.  When you find your passion and purpose and live into the gifts you naturally have, you will be living in flow!

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