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Blog Wellness After 50

Wellness After 50


Turning 50 feels like such a huge milestone and since I took my 50th trip around the sun this month people have been asking these three questions:

1.  What are you doing about the signs of aging?

2.  What are you doing about declining hormones?

3.  How do you stay in shape and look your best?

So it's time to break down what I've learned this past year about my body - mind - behavior when it comes to getting the absolute BEST from myself.


No matter what you're doing, commitment to consistency is key to your success.  As we age, we need to be even more ruthless about our priorities and what's important.  Fads come and go--especially in the diet/nutrition/exercise space.

Is your routine something that you can be consistent with and see results?  Remember to be flexible and realize that as our bodies change, we need to change up our routines when it comes to diet and exercise!

Choose workouts and food that you enjoy so the motivation threshold is low and easy.  Bonus if you can do it in community so you're also getting the accountability!


At this age, sleep is a non-negotiable.  Research says 7-9 hours.  If you're having trouble, find out why.  Head to the Resource Library and download my checklist for better sleep.  Less sleep will age you fast and can lead to cognitive decline in older age. 

Sleep is the washing machine for your brain.  It's the only way the brain has to get rid of the toxic build up that naturally occurs.  Get your sleep!


If you've heard it once, you've heard it a million times:  Supplements are crucial because the quality of our food lacks nutrients.  Unless you're growing your own, always buy organic, farm raised, cage free, picked at the peak of ripeness--you should be supplementing.

Test don't guess!  Before you start supplementing, test your levels and be sure you need that supplement!  Find my favorite all around HERE --big bonus is that kids can get them FREE with an adult order.

What supplements should you be taking at this age? It's different for everyone. Besides my favorite listed above (I think everyone needs that one). The question becomes...

What symptoms are coming up for you?  Are you having more aches and pains? Hormone related symptoms? Start there!


Lift heavy weights.  Fill a backpack with canned good and go for a walk.  Put on more muscle because muscle support born health AND helps maintain healthy weight. 

If you're new to weights start with your own body weight exercises and build up from there.  At this age injuries are common--especially soft tissue. Frozen shoulder and plantar fasciitis are two of the most common.  Start low and go slow.  Build gradually and don't shy away from lifting heavy things.


Nutrition is the building block of our cells.  We literally are what we eat.  Aim for 30 grams of fiber--you get those from fruits and veggies.  I love to load up a delicious smoothie with 30-40 grams of protein and all the fiber.

Aim for your ideal body weight in protein every day.  At this age, it actually takes more protein to build the muscle we want.

Cut out the junky seed oils from the diet. Read your food labels because they are in just about every box, bag and can.

If cravings are taking over, start by taking care of your gut health. Head back to the Resource Library for more on gut health.


This should be a no-brainer and if you know my story, I understand if you're carrying stress unknowingly.  Cut out as much stress as you possibly can.  Stress not only ages us but can cause disease.  

As we age, our capacity to handle stress gets tricky.  Anxiety can creep up and declining hormones don't help!  Find ways to deal with your stress. Some of my favorites include: movement, prayer, meditation, supplements.

Remember the Daily Deposit Framework is a great system to manage all that life gives us!


Oh perimenopause!  If you're in this phase of life and still having a cycle, be gentle with yourself.  Your body changes every 3-6 months.  What was working one month stops working the next.  Be flexible, explore your options and be willing to experiment with supplements, hormone replacement, herbs, and more.

Get the 411 on Hormones in the Woman's Hormone Master Class It covers everything from diet and exercise to which labs you'll need to order if you're thinking about Hormone Replacement Therapy.

SEVEN steps to fabulously aging at 50!  

It can be a roller coaster, but sticking to what is true and what is backed by research is key.  I'm always reading and experimenting on myself to keep you in the know.  

If you're over 50--let me know--how do you handle aging to look and feel your best?


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