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Blog Transitions



No one is getting through life without a few transitions. As much we like the comfort of the familiar, it's inevitable that some things will change. In those moments of change, how will you handle it?

Before we get to the business of handling transitions, here's what you need to know about doing life well:

RULE #1:  Life is hard.  No one said it would be easy to navigate this life or to be in pursuit of your higher self.  But dang, sometimes life can throw you an unexpected curve ball.  We've all been there.

RULE #2:  Life has meaning.  As we go through each phase of life our job is to find the meaning.  Find the opportunity that's leading you to your higher self.  How is this happening FOR me (not TO me)?  This can be the most challenging.

RULE #3:  You always have a choice.  You always have a choice in how you're going to react to the "hard stuff" that's happening to you.  No one is making you feel or think or behave in a certain way.  We have to take ownership of our own behavior and feelings.  And by the way.... your feelings are ALWAYS real, but they're not always accurate or helpful.


Let's embrace the word " Transitions" this month.  They're actually a good thing!

It's a chance to reclaim your goals for the year.  How are you using this moment of transition to pursue your higher self?  

Transitions might look like....

🙋🏻‍♀️  Kids heading back to school

🙋🏻‍♀️  Launching your kiddo out of the house into college

🙋🏻‍♀️  Moving

🙋🏻‍♀️  Caring for a sick parent

🙋🏻‍♀️  Divorce

🙋🏻‍♀️  Sickness

🙋🏻‍♀️  Starting a new job or leaving an old one

🙋🏻‍♀️  Having a baby

🙋🏻‍♀️  Getting a promotion

It's about starting a new journey, embracing the possibilities, saying good-bye to the past, grieving what might have been and pursuing the better version more evolved YOU.  

Here's the kicker--Rule #3.  It's always your choice to stay stuck in anger, frustration, self-pity, disappointment, and grief.

Even when the major transitions are good--there can be mixed feelings.  It's not always rainbows and butterflies.  It can be scary and exciting all at the same time.

The polar opposite feelings can be the hardest to reconcile.


Who's in your Corner: Get support!  Find a community.  A tribe of people who can motivate and encourage you through this transition.  Feel all the feels in a safe space with people who believe that you CAN get through it and will support your journey.

Plan & Prepare: You don't need any more surprises.  But here's the thing....we don't know what we don't know.  What do you need to make this transition go well?  Maybe it's scouring the internet for answers.  Maybe it's a coach.  Maybe it's someone who's going through the same thing.

Stick to What you Know:  You know that a healthy lifestyle is going to help you manage the stress.  That means sticking with your routines of sleep, nutrition, daily movement, meditation/prayer.  This is usually the FIRST thing we let go of when we're stressed.  Ironically, it's in the top 3 when it comes to helping us navigate. Put in those Daily Deposits into your Life Accounts!

Stay Positive & Focused: It's easy to get derailed when the chaos of life comes at you. It's not a question of IF it's WHEN is life going to take a sharp turn? How quickly can you turn a negative into a positive? Stay focused on the task at hand or you'll risk the spiral of doom and gloom!

Reflect & Learn: This is the perfect time to get curious. After your freak-out moment--get curious about what's happening. What are you being called to in this moment? Who do you need to be to get through it with grace and gratitude? This process may come much later than the event. That's OK! It's an important step in the journey so don't skip it. There's a temptation to go straight to "I'm OK" "It's over now" without reflecting on lessons learned. Take a moment to reflect.

Take Action: What's the next best step? This is directly associated with Who's In Your Corner. What resources do you need in this very moment? Who can you reach out to for help? Take ONE tiny step forward. Momentum breeds motivation. Sometimes we just don't feel like moving. This step isn't about a feeling, it's about a decision. It lives in your head space--not your heart-space.


In this crazy busy time of my own transitions, I've been holding fast to these six tips.

I definitely have my people who keep me sane (you know who you are!)

An accountability group for my business during this monumental move from TX to ID keeps me focused on my top goals for Wellness With Gina. It's is a great way to stay on top of the important things that can easily slip past me in all the stress.

I've organized, packed and prepared like crazy--and yet, still surprised by the unexpected!    Yeah...things happened.  All I could do was reassess, have a family meeting and move forward.  No judgements--just move forward.

A healthy lifestyle is non-negotiable during these times.  Grocery shopping instead of eating out for every meal, prepped protein bites and breakfast bars instead of buying snacks. Traveling with shakes so in a pinch, I know there's a healthy option.


If you could use someone in your corner, the 90 Day REFRESH for Working Women is here for you! Get into a space of encouragement and guidance to navigate the transitions in your life.

There's no reason to weather the storms of life alone. From the monumental to the minor, transitions can be tricky. It's OK to bring other people in your circle who can support, encourage, and motivate you forward.


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