This is where you'll find the space to breathe, align, and reset toward who you truly are.
Here you'll discover Mind - Body - Behavior Wellness through Personal Coaching, group programs, and workshops.
Get support to achieve your health goals, find work/life integration, and discover the connection between your lifestyle, movement, food, and attitude.
Interested in getting personalized support with your health and wellness so that you can live the life you crave while kicking butt in a career you love? This is for you.
Get access to Three Core Programs: The 90 Day REFRESH, A Woman's Guide to Intentional Living, and a Woman's Hormone Master Class. The All Access Pass comes with a Private Community for MORE access to your Health Coach. An $821 value!
Hormone health is crucial to over all health. Your hormones control everything from eating to sleeping. In this Master Class discover the signs and symptoms of imbalance, food to boost your hormones, natural remedies to alleviate troublesome symptoms, and the best labs to request from your doctor!
A three-part workshop for Working Women who are ready to: Start living PROactively instead of REactively, get more out of life, have more time and energy, have better relationships, and feel calm and expansive.
Remember who you used to be before all the responsibilities? Get clarity on your priorities and get more done with the 24 hours you've got in your day!
It's time to make peace with food. Chronic dieting and over exercising won't get you to your health goals. Let's take a wholistic approach with the Mind - Body connection.
Take a deep dive into your pantry. In this lesson we cover: Traffic Light Eating, Reading Food Labels, Learning about the Ingredients List, Food Substitutions, and Food Additives.
Welcome to the Resource Library. Here you'll find FREE tips on gut health, hormones, sleep, productivity, healthy eating options and more!
The Mental Load is real. Thinking, planning, organizing, and the emotional work of keeping a family, home and career running can be exhausting. It's no wonder that we suffer from burnout, anxiety, and lack of motivation. With a few Mental Load hacks, you'll be back to your old self in no time!