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Blog Productivity Busters

Productivity Busters


It happens to the best of us and it's so darn annoying.  We used to be able to do 50 things at one time without blinking an eye. Now it's more like....

🤔  Why did I come in this room?

🤔  What was her name?

🤔  What was that really important thing I was going to add to the grocery list?

What's happening to us? We used to be mentally sharp and now there's a noticeable difference in our memory and attention span. It is age or social media or maybe we have adult onset of ADHD?

The good news matter what the cause there are things we can start doing NOW that will make a world of difference as we continue to age.

Let's chat about Productivity BUSTERS:

1.  Brain Health- Have you noticed the rise in brain disorders and diseases?  From ADHD to Alzheimers it's all on the rise.  What's happening to our brains?  Take care of your productivity and brain power getting the right sleep and supplements.

Research says we need about 7-9 hours of quality sleep a night. How do you know if you're getting quality? You wake up feeling refreshed and energized. Sleep is the washing machine for your brain. The brain has no other way to get rid of toxins other than sleeping. It's called the glymphatic system.

Supplements for brain health may include:

Omegas- cut out the middle fish and go straight for the plant based algae variety. You can find my favorite HERE.

B vitamins- known to boost cognitive ability. Feel more awake and mentally clear. It's a definite difference for me. Find my favorites HERE.

Curcumin- known for it's antioxidant powers. The more free radicals creating oxidation in the body, the more ANTIoxidants we all need!

2.  Hormone HealthEstrogen is extremely protective and once it starts to wane in middle age, it influences our cognitive abilities.  I've noticed this sad fact in my own life.  The right supplements and researching hormone replacement are what I'm focused on right now. Could Hormone Replacement be right for you?

Here's what you should consider: ADDING hormones doesn't necessarily mean that your symptoms will be alleviated. There are several processes at work within the body. Can your body create the hormone, can it metabolize properly (liver) can it use it (cells), and can it eliminate (gut) what it doesn't need? If any of those systems isn't working properly, adding more hormones can actually cause more problems for you.

3.  Distractions- Never in our lifetime have we lived with SO many distractions.  From the screens to our demanding careers and our personal lives.  Having a good managing tool is key to your productivity. Below are a few strategies that might help with the distractions.

Use technology to your advantage! Instead of allowing the distractions to run away with your time, set timers on how long you want to engage with a certain task.

Put the phone in a different room when you're working on something important.

Close the tabs on your computer and work on ONE thing at a time.

4.  Multi-tasking- How you used to be able to multi-task may not be as easy.  Remember it takes your brain about 20 minutes to "re" focus once you move on to another task.  Choose the vital task at hand. Everything else is just urgent.

There's a difference between urgent and vital. Urgent are those things/people begging for your attention. When we turn our attention to the urgent we're missing out on the vital! Choose wisely my friend. How can you tell which is which? It's all about your values. Don't let other people impose their values on you.

As much as possible, be present. Stop multi-tasking and focus on the person or project that's most important right now. They will thank you for it!

Productivity BUSTERS don't have to hold you back. Start with ONE simple change to your daily routine and soon you'll find your productivity increasing. You'll be getting more done and putting a smile back on that beautiful face.

Grab the Productivity BOOSTERS for daily strategies to get more out of your minutes!


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