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Blog 4 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

4 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting


If there's one thing that irks me.....

Taking a handful of supplements and expecting those supplements to counter act (insert any bad behavior here) the chili cheese fries you indulged in.

Those supplements will work well when our body is optimized to fire on all cylinders.

The question in the world do we optimize for maximum benefits of all the supplements we take.  We start first with our lifestyle.  






~Stress Less

When these are dialed in, our insides are ready to accept the good stuff.

Start optimizing with Intermittent Fasting!


Intermittent Fasting or Time Restricted Eating is a plan that allows for eating in a specific window of time.  It does not restrict WHAT you eat only the TIME the food is consumed.

However, if your goal is weight loss--WHAT you eat matters too.  Get rid of the junky oils and carbs and increase the protein.  You've got this!

Why should you try IF?  Here are just a few....


1.  Weight Loss-- IF cuts calories naturally.  Shortening your feeding window means you're cutting out the late night snacking.  No more late night snacking and the belly fat start to melt off.

2.  Insulin Reduction--Every time we eat our body secrets insulin--a  fat storing hormone.  When we're in the fasted state, we burn fat instead of sugar.  It's like a hybrid car.  Two types of fuel source.  IF trains  our bodies to switch between fat and sugar as fuel. It should be a seamless transition.

3.  Human Growth Hormone (HGH)--When we're fasting, our HGH is elevated.  This is great because it's not only fat burning but it's also muscle building.  Remember, the more muscle, the more calories you burn.

4.  Autophagy--is our body's way of cleaning out damaged cells to make room for healthier newer cells.  Your body is removing toxic proteins when we fast.  If those damaged cells stay in the body, they could eventually lead to disease.  Your cells are being recycled and repaired when you're in that fasted state. 


We all have cancer cells within us.  It's our lifestyle, attitude, nutrition, and physical movement that either turn them off or on.  No one is perfect let's go with the 80/20 rule.  If you're in maintenance mode, you can afford to ease up 20%.  If you're in weight loss mode, stick with 90/10.  90% of the time follow a healthy lifestyle plan.

The choices we make now will determine what our life looks like in 10 to 20 years.  Remember, disease can take decades to develop.  

Are you ready to optimize your health?  Try Intermittent fasting and let me know how it goes!


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